Being vulnerable and “getting real” with others has a tendency in our culture to create discomfort, and yet also there is something so meaningful to feeling truly heard and experiencing a deep sense of being known. My name is Katie Weintz, LCSW and being real with others has been a deep passion of mine throughout my life. I was often described as a social kid with an ability to understand the emotions of others and myself well. It was this plus the joy I saw as I met others in the social work field that drew me towards my pursuit of becoming a social worker and counselor. Specifically, after working with a mission organization in West Virginia during the summer following my freshman year of college, I knew that I was being called to work alongside others who are searching for health and healing. As the educational journey continued, my passion for being real with others evolved into working in the field of
mental health.
Throughout my schooling and career, I have been able to work with a wide variety of people in a variety of settings. Between undergraduate and graduate school, I worked with adolescents and young adults in a sheltered work program, teaching them both life and works skills while coordinating care to help them complete high school. I completed my internships at an adoption agency and as a high school social worker. I have also worked in a long-term care facility for adults with serious and persistent mental illness (primarily schizophrenia) as well as substance use disorders. Eventually, I moved into outpatient mental health counseling and began my training in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) in 2010.
Since 2010, I have had the privilege of working with a team of DBT trained therapists collaborating to treat a community of clients. I have seen the immense power of “getting real” with others, both to have people feel heard and accepted, as well as challenged to create change where change is needed or wanted. Throughout the years, I have worked with both adolescents and adults, utilizing adherent DBT as the foundation. Over the years, I have added to my practice by becoming trained in and utilizing DBT-S (an adaptation of DBT for individuals struggling with a co-occurring substance use disorder) and DBT + PE (an adaptation of the evidenced based trauma treatment Prolonged Exposure).
In addition, I also enjoy working with the loved ones of individuals who have problems with substance use. Often, families or loved ones are struggling themselves as they are trying to help a person with a substance disorder, particularly if the loved one is resistant to treatment of any sort. I specifically utilized CRAFT (Community Reinforcement and Family Training) to both support and teach concerned significant others a variety of tools to aide in interacting with their loved one in a non-confrontational non-threatening manner. Research has shown that CRAFT successfully engages the individual with a substance use problem to enter into some level of treatment at least two-thirds of the time (with some studies showing a much higher rate of engagement). Additionally, concerned loved ones demonstrate a remarkable improvement in their own mental and emotional health regardless of whether or not the loved one enters treatment.
When I work with others who are seeking mental health support and do not need DBT, I rely heavily on the foundations of CBT, the principles of behaviorism, acceptance and validation strategies, and a strengths based approach.
About the author:
Katie is a Licesned Clinical Social Worker and a Linehan-Board Certified DBT Clinician™. Outside of work, Katie enjoys running, biking, hiking, or anything that will take her outdoors. It is always a bonus when she get to share those moments with my family. Katie also enjoys baking and trying new dinner recipes, especially for the InstantPot! She highly values time with church, connecting with friends, and watching her children participate in their sports or musical events.